Monday, August 10, 2009


Last week, amidst the regular weekly events and baby steps toward getting ready for this big move, I also helped my brother get ready for his wedding. The work really kicked in on the day of...and although I wasn't hired to be a day-of coordinator, I played the mess out of that role! (if I can toot my own horn) of course, as with most weddings, there were fires and I busted my butt, to put them out before we needed the firefighters. So that was my Sat and I spent Sunday trying to recuperate!

So an update...I booked our tickets.....AGAIN. yes. I made a booboo and waited too long to contact the US Embassy about getting a new VISA so when I finally got around to call the earliest appointment was the day before my scheduled departure. cutting it close...yup- a bit too close, considering my passport is kept by them until the following afternoon because of course, the VISA is printed in the passport. my flight on Thursday the 4th is/was scheduled for 1pm and I was told to expect my passport to be ready between the hours of 2-4pm (on the 4th). Obviously

So I had one sleepless night-literally-where I weighed my options and realized its better for me to change the flight and pay whatever difference and get my VISA now, rather than run any risks when I arrive in Canada. I don't need a US VISA for Canada, but if I want to travel anywhere in the USA from Canada, I'll need a VISA. Its a long story, but a quick summary: I got married last year. Changed my name legally. Got a new passport to reflect the new name. VISA in old passport which is now cancelled. There is a CHANCE that since the VISA is not expired that I can travel on it with sufficient documents however, I've travelled enough to know, I don't ever want to depend on apply and pay for a new VISA is the best option for my current situation.

So yea. both tickets, for hubster and myself, are booked. woot!

I'm losing a dying battle to review for Stats. Didn't pick up the book for more than 10 mins in the past week and a half and its because most of the words/symbols look like French to me. I have never studied French, never went to a French-speaking country and the only word I know in French is goodbye, which I can't even spell so that's why I just said it in English. LOL but seriously, I need someone to help break it down for me, if I'm going to understand it or a book that's more user-friendly. I spoke with my buddy and she suggested a book that helped her, in fact, she's still using it as she writes her Masters' thesis. I checked out the book and I'm definitely interested in giving it a try but its more than $40 and honestly, $40 on a book that's not a required text is a bit of a luxury....although, paying $40 on a book which could possibly help me be prepared for an advanced statistics class may be priceless...:shrugs: we'll see what I decide to do!

The scholarship response I was not waiting for (but still secretly waiting for)---well it seems like that may be cancelled, for everyone. So my new goal is to find at minimum $2k that I can pay directly on the tuition. I do have a graduate assistantship and a school-based scholarship that covers the cost of tuition but its not all given up front and I would prefer to have it covered before classes start; not a must but a wish.

and then...last but probably the most important...I'm beginning to have minor panic attacks. nothing major, but increased heart rate, stomach flutters etc. It's fleeting and usually only come one when I'm talking to someone about the move or when I begin to think about the dreaded Sept 28th date. Remember I mentioned purchasing tickets, well mine was a one-way, but my husband's ticket's return date is for 9/28 and I swear I was two steps from an all out crying fest yesterday as I cooked and thought about it.

I'll share some pics tomorrow from the wedding this weekend.


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