Saturday, October 17, 2009

On my way...

back to Canada...

It's amazing how discrepant I feel. On one hand, my heart is literally aching because I'm leaving my husband and won't see, touch or feel his touch again for literally another 6 weeks! However, I enrolled in this doctoral program because I have a goal to reach and I'm seriously ready to be back and get in with classes. So I'm actually kinda sorta looking forward to being back and getting in the swing of things...Of course the bridge to join both is the sooner I get back in class, the sooner I can start crossing off weeks that are completed bringing me closer to my ultimate goal of December 17th!!!!!!

I seriously am just trying to roll with the punches and think/be positive. There is a lot I've got to do between now and graduation..whenever the hec that will be (2014 ish), but I'm seriously excited about being in Canada and in this program. I just began to type "my only regret is..." but can one have regrets about a situation if it involves an aspect that's beyond my control? I don't think so. :shrugs:

But if I may- my only regret is that somehow I couldn't make the world respond to my snap and thus provide my husband with an awesome job that he can enjoy and also grow in while paying him something that can make him feel like "the man"! ;)

Oh well...I'll continue to take it one day at a time. Onto a happier note, I have a classmate, who is slowly becoming a friend, who is picking me up and will allow me to crash at her place overnight because she will take me winter-clothes shopping tommorrow! whooo-hoooooooooooooo!

Nothing like some new clothes...and more importantly new shoes to get my spirits up a little bit. So I'm broke and will be trying to buy a million things with a dollar but it's been done before and I promise to return with evidence that I will do it again!

Now its a pity that I have to actually go "winter clothes shopping" when Autumn has barely just begun but apparently I'm a sucker for extremes because I am born and call home to a country that sits in paradise where we enjoy 90 degree weather possibly all year round....and now I've just temporarily set up house in another country that apparently is boasting low 40 degree temps today and proudly maintains such awful temperatures for about 6 months out of the year! I will count my blessings that the snow has not yet made its appearance in my neck of the woods.

Well, its the weekend again...although its almost over, but I encourage you to enjoy the last minutes of it..hec, my new goal is to just try and enjoy everyday...weekend or workday!


1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip back. I highly recommend hitting up some good thrift and consignment shops to supplement your winter wardrobe. I do it every year and always find nice sweaters and jackets.
