Monday, October 26, 2009

Its not about me!

"In the midst of it all, God will prove to be your strength....these are the times you realize its not about your well preparation or lack thereof, but that God will prove Himself strong in your life..."

I count myself blessed, not only because of material stuff...but mainly because of the support system I have. I'm surrounded by the most encouraging and sensitive people! Its crazy because the encouragement sometimes comes off rough but its all what i need, when I need.

The quote I opened this post with is from a very dear friend. I was sharing this morning about my current state and tmy reasoning as to why I am such a mess. My theory is because I didn't know what to expect, especially given some last minute unknowns and changes, I wasn't mentally prepared to handle all this thus leaving me in an almost constant state of "overwhelmedness"!

I wanted to share this because there may be someone else who can use this word. Sometimes God allows situations to 'blind sight' us, because it forces us to trust Him and in trusting Him, He can show himself strong. Be encouraged.


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