Tuesday, July 28, 2009

DIY..how to

I got a couple questions on how I made the headbands...as I mentioned here , this was a very haphazard project so there wasn't a lot of thought put into it.
the more basic headbands, I needed ribbon, flower and needle/thread. My instinct was to get the regular satin or grosgrain ribbon that we are familiar with because it is used to decorate our little girls' hair...

the model is my "neice" whose mom does not let her leave the house without matching ribbons. As you can see, she was missing her two front teeth at this event...:)

ok I digressed...anyway upon visiting the fabric store, I decided to get a little more adventurous and found various textures of ribbon, that were on sale, and decided to use those to give the headpieces more 'spunk' than the regular ribbon. the flowers ( like this) were on sale, probably because they dropped off a larger 'bud' for 50 cents each.

I then chose where on my head I would prefer to wear the ribbon and marked that place by tacting the flower there. now most flowers come with a center piece that's made of very sturdy green plastic. This can be easily removed without disturbing the shape of the flower. so I took this 'stem' apart and gently removed it. (there was a bulb at the very top center in the flower and once that was taken off, the stem could be moved). Matched the color flower with thread and sew the flower to the ribbon. voila. easy peesy. by the way, if I could do it---its easy. lol

the white flower got the most request and this was a bit different because a pre-cut ribbon was used to create the 'flower'.

if you look closely you can see there is a lining on one edge of the ribbon and a thread in there. carefully pull the thread and the 'petals' get closer together. we ended up popping one part of the thread so if you were to find this type of special ribbon/fabric be very careful.

once I got the shape of the flower that I wanted.
I sewed the base of the petals together to create an independent flower. then the flower was sewn to the ribbon the same way the previous 2 were described.

note: I did a quick google search online for various types of ribbons and although I found similiar accesories/ribbons that looked like my end product (chiffon flower), none of them came flat and 'not put together' like my ribbon was. the sales associate in the store here mentioned this was a special order that will not be replenished because it wasn't selling well. I wonder if I was to buy a couple yards and make these little headbands, if I can get a couple sales.
.. things that make you go hmmmm

(sorry pic is so dark...can't get it lightened)

well that was that. I cannot wait to get my hands on some more random pieces, plastic headbands, more ribbon, different kinds/shapes of flowers and feathers to create more accessories. I'm sooo excited especially since I can create a one-of-a-kind piece for under $2 when my other option was to purchase at Forever 21 for about $5-10 or of course check out the wonderful world of Etsy and probably pay $20... (I did actually purchase a couple of the cheaper pieces online)


1 comment:

  1. Oooo Gia!!! Loves it!!! Great job. :-)

    BTW, I love your new hair style.
