Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Have you ever heard a story and was like "WOW"! That was me when I read this!

I like hearing stories like this because it calls to something deep DEEP within me. Something that makes my heart race and makes me feel alive. And it is those moments when I remember that I am called to make a difference. I am not called to the dull or the boring...to "things" and superficiality. I want to live a meaningful life that is filled with passion and purpose. I want to make a difference. I want the world to know that I was here...not for attention purposes, not to comment on how beautiful or rich I am/was..but for how my life impacted and facilitated a positive change in others.

The cool thing is, that I can have this impact. I don't need to be super rich to make a change, I can start with the people that God allows in my life. Simple daily obedience. Looking for the divine encounters. Loving my neighbors as myself. Recognizing that it is very likely that some of the annoying, smelly and not-so-lovely people that I pass [and often ignore] are angels (Hebrews 13:2).

I will be praying and re-surrendering my heart and mind to be used by God and creating "WOW" moments in my compassion and obedience.

...humbled by His love and compelled to give that love to others.

Grace peace and love,

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