Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Asking and receiving

Two events happened that got me thinking; both of which included the individual (one instance, it was me) looking, searching..almost 'begging' for something that was already there.

This may sound silly, but it made me think of how often this can happen. Imagine the scenario, I received a gift of a SIM card (for cell phones); however the person who gave it to me couldn't remember what the phone number was that was associated with the card. So I took the SIM card and put it in my phone to see if the phone number would show up; it didn't...apparently the card was never "registered". Okay, what does one do next?

Call somewhere so that the caller id will show the origin of the call, i.e. the phone number. Well I determined (without trying) that this was NOT an option because there was insufficient credit to make a call (or text). This then began a series of attempts that I made to determine what the phone number was. Ten minutes later, and somewhat frustrated, I turn the phone off, and begin to take the SIM card out. It was then that I felt *it*...you know what I mean...that nudge, that still small voice, that feeling (whatever you call it) and I felt the urge to put the SIM back in, and simply check the balance on the card.

Well, you can probably predict what was the result- yip! There was sufficient credit on the phone ($5) to make a hundred texts, one long distance phone call and at least 10 minutes of talk time on a local call. It was such a "duh" moment but I couldn't shake it. Why did I just assume that there was no money on the card? Wouldn't the first thing one does is check the balance?

Scenario number two: a friend wants to make coffee so she goes to the water fountain but there is no water. So she begins to ask around the office for someone who may have personal water that could be shared for her to just brew some instant coffee. This activity goes on for about 15 minutes but once again to no avail. Finally, as she is about to give up, the person who usually monitors the coffee/tea, calls her and asks her what she is looking for. Her response- "water to make coffee". She is then informed that there is water already set aside for coffee by the coffee pot but somehow this friend not only failed to check the "supply" but also the "supplier".

Of course, I couldn't help but to ask her why she didn't just check the coffee pot ,which is what we typically do BEFORE searching for other sources of water. She didn't have a response. I had to chew on this  for awhile and just knew I had to blog about it.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt convicted...why ever did I not simply check the balance? Is this a reflection of how I live my life? The provision is right there in front of my face, but I miss the obvious because I too often chose to:
1. Not ask God (the supplier) for the thing I want/need
2. Proceed to attempt to solve the problem, find the hidden thing on my own; this includes looking to other "sources" for what it is I need.

Without being "super spiritual", this made me wonder how many things I wanted (or needed) that was right there, literally there but because I asked the wrong person or didn't ask at all, I failed to get it.

I can hear the good ole chuch (not church) people quoting "You have not because you ask not." (James 4:2)

What the full verse states states:
James 4:2 (NLT)
You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it

There is a plethora of scripture that confirms this simple concept: We ask (in faith)- God provides. Although I should point out, that the requests that we make, should line up according to His will (another blog post for another day):

Matthew 7:7-11
Matthew 21:22
Philippians 4:6
1 John 3:22

The sad part is that I knew this before the SIM card situation. I knew these scriptures by heart..I've heard this "sermon" before...I think I may have even "preached" this lesson before in some form on this blog. But why is it still so easy, particularly in the very small and simple things, to revert to the stance and actions of an ignorant child, one who does not know that I have a Heavenly Father, who is the SUPPLIER, who is willing and desires to supply my needs.

I trust that my very simple object lesson and musings is a reminder to you to continue to seek the SUPPLIER, go to the SOURCE for every question, need or problem.

Be encouraged!

Grace peace and love,

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