Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lessons from Ari: soul cleansing

Well in t-minus 3 hours, I'll be airborne and off to fulfill part of my quest to be the change I want to see in the world (see post here). :) We still need tons of prayers so if you remember me at any point, in the next 7 days, definitely say a prayer or two for us all. I'm not sure what my internet access will be like, so I can't promise anything until next Wednesday...but for now I leave you with another lesson from Ari. (sadly, I'll be leaving my "baby" behind too)


This is another lesson from Ari. I shared with you a couple weeks ago that Ari usually bounds up onto the bed in the mornings and just finds his rest wherever he may. At this time, he does nothing...other than an occasional lick on whoever's hand may be rubbing him down.
One particular morning as we go through this what-seems-to-be-a-ritual, I thought about what all happens during this "down time".

As he lays and I rub, I'm also able to "clean" him. You know the prickle that may have gotten on one of his paws (that he hadn't managed to bite off himself) or a stray leaf that was in his beard/bangs. Sometimes...ick ick ick..sometimes, because he goes wandering a bit too long, he has a bug and the only way we would know is during these times (or actual cleaning time). If he didn't sit still, fully trusting me, I would never see some of the stuff that's on him, or that needs attention.

In some ways, it is the same way with our quiet time with God. However, unlike me, He does know what I may have managed to pick up. He sees the condition of my heart. He hears my thoughts. He doesn't need me to slow down to know what is going on but He does need me to stop and submit in order to clean me up.  Usually, it is only when I slow down, on my own or through circumstances, that I even realize that my heart is in a pickle or I'm holding onto to something which is staining me. Worse, I may be holding onto thoughts and attitudes, that like ticks/fleas, directly steal from my "life blood"...my joy and my faith without me even realizing it.

My problem is that I don't slow down too often. Even during "quiet time", I'm usually busy...talking. I have been more aware of this need and really making a conscious effort to quiet myself. What I have found is that those quiet times are less traditional, less planned and I like it. Standing outside, waiting on my husband...I look up to the sky and just stand in awe looking at the clouds. How GREAT is my God is what my heart screams. I feel the intensity of not only how awesome He is but also how close He is. My heart is refreshed with clean "oxygen" to flush out the impurities. I smile contentedly.

When are your quiet times of cleaning and refreshing? Do you lay still and turn on your back with everything exposed or do you lay curled up and fidgeting. This is another call to the fountain...not only to bring your worries, cares and needs but to be cleaned and made new.

Grace peace and love,

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