Well this post isn't about a particular blessing that comes on Monday but that's just how I'm feeling this Monday. I'm keenly aware of how God has been keeping me, particularly as it relates to my finances and just wanted to give a lil praise report!
So as most of you realize, I'm home. That's the beautiful Nassau, Bahamas. The decision to spend this year here rather than finish in Canada was one that didn't come easy. While there were obvious benefits, for example, being with hubby...there were some other considerations. Yes it would be "cheaper" to be home..but would I be able to find gainful employment that is flexible and meaningful? Additionally would I be able to find an internship that is meaningful and approved by the school?
Well, the decision to come home was made before the answers to those questions materialized. I had prayed and prayed and prayed and felt that this is what God wanted for me. So in August 2012, I gave up my apartment as my first step and can I just say that it is all good.
Today, I'm boasting on God about the awesome 1/2 internship that I landed...lots of great experience and some good connections. And then there's the blessing of the part time job that I got. Did I mention that it is paying about equivalent to my previous full time position...say what? yes...HALLELUJAH!
It's that time for happy dance. Did I mention that both opportunities allows me so much flexibility that I can work from home on some days so there are no confinements of 9-5 which has somewhat become my nemesis.
For now, I'm sharing my story as a reminder that God is always faithful. His blessings abound where it is deserved and even when it may not be deserved. I was asked yesterday how did I figure God in this if it was my own hard work that secured these jobs..the thing is...the very breath I breathe belongs to God. The fact that I'm breathing is because of Him. The strength to work hard comes from Him..so does the wisdom and because I'm a praying kind of girl...most times the direction for where to go and when, comes from Him. So with all that in mind, I give Him the glory for the awesome job opportunities that HE provided, even if He didn't physically come down and give them to me.
Do you have a praise report for today?
Grace peace and love,
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
What's your story
I was having a conversation with friends from church and a number of times, the comment was made "that's not my story" or "that's not gonna be my story".
It made me think. This kind of statement wasn't necessarily in relation to the "big story", which is more of what I've talked about on this blog...you know, your legacy. It was more of the day to day experiences. For examlple, I will not suffer with high blood pressure just because everyone else in my family does. This means we must take responsibility for our actions. However, what it really tapped into was the fact that we have authority, through the power of our speech, to accept or reject what is put before us.
For those of us who are Christians, the Bible tells us that "life and death is in the power of the tongue". By virtue of our speech, we are creating (or destroying) quite a bit of what we experience in life. How does that look? For most of us, it means we either are so oblivious to this authority that we say nothing at all and just accept what comes our way or we are so caught up in the discourse of the rest of the world that we speak doom and gloom (death) upon our situations.
Nope. Now that's not gonna be MY story.
Most salient at this point, I will not be like everyone else who has gone before me who took 2 years (plus or minus a couple months) to complete a dissertation. THAT's not gonna be my story. I'm not superwoman, nor will I submit anything subpar but I will complete this project and be ready for graduation for 2014. The journey un-officially began in Fall 2012, but technically the time clock probably won't begin until February 2013. At this point, my goal is June 2014 for graduation. I understand that there are some curve balls in life (which I am currently experiencing) so I'm willing to accept Fall 2014 graduation but I will be done with everything and just sitting and "waiting" by summer 2014.
There are other areas that I realized that I've been silent on. You know, I bought into this idea that since it is how it worked for others (or the masses), that it was how it should work for me. Nah. I'm taking stock in a new way and assessing those things that I've just thought to let be...
I'm boldly declaring, that's NOT gonna be MY story.
Grace peace and love,
It made me think. This kind of statement wasn't necessarily in relation to the "big story", which is more of what I've talked about on this blog...you know, your legacy. It was more of the day to day experiences. For examlple, I will not suffer with high blood pressure just because everyone else in my family does. This means we must take responsibility for our actions. However, what it really tapped into was the fact that we have authority, through the power of our speech, to accept or reject what is put before us.
For those of us who are Christians, the Bible tells us that "life and death is in the power of the tongue". By virtue of our speech, we are creating (or destroying) quite a bit of what we experience in life. How does that look? For most of us, it means we either are so oblivious to this authority that we say nothing at all and just accept what comes our way or we are so caught up in the discourse of the rest of the world that we speak doom and gloom (death) upon our situations.
Nope. Now that's not gonna be MY story.
I shall speak Life. Hope. Restoration to every area of my life. I shall be different and unapologetically so. I shall fulfill the small and large dreams in a timely fashion, if necessary, breaking glass ceilings of time, gender, race or age. I shall not settle for what typically happens, when I know what God has offered to me if I just ask and accept it.
Most salient at this point, I will not be like everyone else who has gone before me who took 2 years (plus or minus a couple months) to complete a dissertation. THAT's not gonna be my story. I'm not superwoman, nor will I submit anything subpar but I will complete this project and be ready for graduation for 2014. The journey un-officially began in Fall 2012, but technically the time clock probably won't begin until February 2013. At this point, my goal is June 2014 for graduation. I understand that there are some curve balls in life (which I am currently experiencing) so I'm willing to accept Fall 2014 graduation but I will be done with everything and just sitting and "waiting" by summer 2014.
There are other areas that I realized that I've been silent on. You know, I bought into this idea that since it is how it worked for others (or the masses), that it was how it should work for me. Nah. I'm taking stock in a new way and assessing those things that I've just thought to let be...
I'm boldly declaring, that's NOT gonna be MY story.
Grace peace and love,
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
little dog, big bone (Lessons from Ari)
I haven't done my lessons from Ari post in a while. Mostly, its because I've been away from him for most of the Fall semester and not because he has been shenanigan free. For those of you who don't know him (or never read these posts), Ari is my little fiesty protector. He weighs all but 14 lbs, barks at any and every thing that seemingly could be a threat but loves fiercely. Especially me. He's technically a mutt (1/2 yorkie & 1/2 shih tzu) but more considered a spoilt breed since he is our only "child".
Last night as I sat and just had quiet time, I was praying and thinking and teetering between those two actions for a while...and Ari sat alongside me on his couch and tackled (literally) a bone. The thing is, this bone is big. He's really a small little thing and since last year, by mistake, we've been buying him bones that are probably for medium-large sized breeds.
At first, I instructed the purchaser to return it for a bone suited for his size but since there were two and he desperately needed something to chew on, we left it with him. What we found, is the lesson for today...he was able to handle the bone that was about 1/3 of his size. It wasn't without fighting and fumbling, but consistency and unrelenting determination was what won.
Last night was no different. The bone slipped from his grasp a couple times. He had to change positions a couple times. He had to change the position of the bone a couple times..but if you look closely at the bone (gross), there is clear evidence that it is being widdled away. And I assure you, by end of Feb, all that will be left is a mere nub.
This struck me as fascinating as my prayer and thoughts at this point was centered on a fairly big dream that I've been developing (more on that later). As with most of my dreams, this seems impossible. In fact, this is building upon...expanding, if you may, on a super size dream of The Mercy House which I've introduced in past posts.
What I need to do, though...is finalize the vision. Identify the baby steps and begin chewing one small piece at a time. I need to be flexible to realize that sometimes I may need to change my own position or adjust the dream a bit..but the idea is to steadily, slowly keep chipping away.
First things first though...getting the full vision realized and identifying those smaller goals/objectives.
I'm down for the ride!
Grace peace and love,

At first, I instructed the purchaser to return it for a bone suited for his size but since there were two and he desperately needed something to chew on, we left it with him. What we found, is the lesson for today...he was able to handle the bone that was about 1/3 of his size. It wasn't without fighting and fumbling, but consistency and unrelenting determination was what won.

This struck me as fascinating as my prayer and thoughts at this point was centered on a fairly big dream that I've been developing (more on that later). As with most of my dreams, this seems impossible. In fact, this is building upon...expanding, if you may, on a super size dream of The Mercy House which I've introduced in past posts.
What I need to do, though...is finalize the vision. Identify the baby steps and begin chewing one small piece at a time. I need to be flexible to realize that sometimes I may need to change my own position or adjust the dream a bit..but the idea is to steadily, slowly keep chipping away.
First things first though...getting the full vision realized and identifying those smaller goals/objectives.
I'm down for the ride!
Grace peace and love,
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Divine meets the mundane
Have you ever had one of those moments? Something happens or maybe its in the reflection of a memory and you just know this was a divine moment.
Those are beautiful, especially when life gets...well to be life. overwhelming. busy. unfair. mundane.
Recognizing and basking in these moments are reviving. refreshing. inspiring.
Have you had one of those lately, that moment where you know it was God in the midst?
Grace peace and love,
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
what does 2013 look like for you?
At church on Tuesday night, well...at that point it was maybe Wednesday morning...my Pastor had everyone close their eyes and visualize what 2013 looked like for them. At first I just stood there with eyes closed...until I realized the weight of this opportunity. Then, with my eyes closed - I opened my eyes and saw what I would want 2013 to look like.
It was less than 2 minutes but it was AH-MAZING.
It has jump-started my 2013 plan. I'm late this year due to many uncertainties with school but in that moment I was able to see around the roadblocks and see the end goals. I may not have a clear timeline or even fully developed my plan/strategy as yet but I've got definite end points that I can look forward to and for that, I toast to 2013!!!
What does 2013 look like for you? In 3 minutes or less, dream about what you would like to see happen this year, how you look, what you are doing, where you are going...YES! once you have that picture, open your eyes, begin writing and ensure that you can create a strategy, i.e. how you gonna achieve that goal/end point for each one.
Grace peace and love,
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