Wednesday, October 31, 2012

lil ole me?

21 Saul answered, “But I’m only a Benjaminite, from the smallest of Israel’s tribes, and from the most insignificant clan in the tribe at that. Why are you talking to me like this?” -1 Samuel 9:21

Have you ever thought that? So maybe you aren't Jewish so you aren't of the tribe of Benjamin...but I'm sure there is something in your family history or even personal experiences that seemingly disqualifies you. You don't have a high school diploma. no college degree. you were abused as a child. you don't speak very well. you are fat. ugly. poor. old....(you get the picture).

Based on the flawed standards of this world, there are soooooo many things that disqualify us each day from pursuing the great call that God has placed on our lives. But we must not respond like Saul did in the above Bible story. We must recognize the flaws but recognize that God specializes in things that seem like they "shouldn't be". It makes me laugh each time.

If you are a church goer, you know the stories: the liar (Jacob), the murderer (Moses), the prostitute (Rahab), the adulterer + murderer (David)....yes the list goes on and on but in each instance, something great came from each of these individuals.

Greatness, indeed, doesn't require that the entire world is changed...

greatness is doing what you were made to  do...and in the timing when you should be doing it.

I love how Saul's story continues...

22-23 Samuel took Saul and his servant and led them into the dining hall at the shrine and seated them at the head of the table. There were about thirty guests. Then Samuel directed the chef, “Bring the choice cut I pointed out to you, the one I told you to reserve.”

24 The chef brought it and placed it before Saul with a flourish, saying, “This meal was kept aside just for you. Eat! It was especially prepared for this time and occasion with these guests.”

Saul ate with Samuel—a memorable day!"

It's a beautiful thing, the favour we experience when we are aligned with God's will for our lives...lil ole Saul had a very fancy dinner with Samuel, who was really the most important person among the Israelites (after God of course).  After this Saul gets the word that he has been chosen to be the first King of Israel. A big deal for a little Benjaminite.

What are you "called" to do? Does it seem like too big of a deal for little ole you? I know for me, Mercy House is a huge deal. I always hear people say if your dream isn't big enough to scare you, then go back to sleep (or some derivative of that)- meaning that everyone has a purpose and taken at face-value, that call will seem too big a fit for you (like the kid wearing her parents clothing). BUT its only in this situation, where we are stretched, challenged and changed to become our best selves.

I'm struggling with taking on Timothy Bahamas. It seems too big for me...especially right now. I've got many disqualifiers:  too shy, not very connected, no money, full-time student...BUT fully aware of everything that indicates why I should NOT take on this project, I realize there are so many reasons why I should.

This is for me, right now in this season..and for that, I press onward.

Will you join me? Not necessarily with Timothy project...or Mercy House..but join me in the press toward living in the purpose that God has designed  for you!

Grace peace and love,

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