Our last Thursday in Jan...as we continue on with purpose.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
weekend jet setter part 1
I traveled the past couple days for a professional development workshop. It was a good time all around, as we (myself, Daelyn Grace and my mom-"pseudo-nanny") stayed with my grad-college roommate.
The workshop was all day...we literally left the house at 7:30 and didn't return until after 5pm!!! It was productive and very helpful to my own professional goals so no complaints from me!
The goal of workshop was getting the local professionals familiar with the changes in the DSM-5 - the official diagnostic tool for the mental health field. have the DSM that I was trained in (previous version) but this version (5) is just released and of course costs a pretty penny. I found it on Amazon for a decent price ($120)...the range goes up to +$150 depending on where you purchase. Now I was all prepared to purchase this, but felt that I wasn't supposed to. I'll admit, I fought this- because in reality I hate going someplace unprepared. I dislike being THAT person. you know the one who needs to share because they aren't prepared. Yes, most of it is rooted in pride (I hate to not have my own things) but part of it, is just me liking to be prepared.
Anyhoo, it was clear...I had no peace about purchasing the book. Side note: having that "peace" is how I know its God "talking" to me. So it took me looking at my Amazon cart for literally 4 days before I finally clicked the "delete from cart" button and proceeded to purchase the other items. I even called April (former roommate) to check with her and she adamantly reassured me that coming without the book was "okay".
So fast forward, its the day of the workshop. I find a table that is strategically at the back of the room and doesn't have a ton of people BUT has someone who has a book. I sit and ask to share. welp. she happily welcomes to share with this stranger.
As the day progresses, we get to know each other during the hourly 10-minute breaks and she eventually asks if I had a book or had plans to purchase. I explain that I wanted to but honestly didn't have funds available at that time and would get it some other time. At lunch time, she indicates that from the beginning of the day, she felt God telling her to give me her book but she struggled because I am a stranger and she paid almost $200 for this book. Ultimately, she surrendered to what she felt was God directing her and blessed me. It was an awesome moment. Her obedience. My obedience. Blessings for us both.
The lesson(s) for me here was very simple:
1. God WANTS to take care of me. I soooo wanted to fix the situation, even to the extent of putting the bill on my credit card, but I obediently did not purchase and He provided- at no cost to me. There is no need too small or insignificant. A book. A stupid book that I may or may not use for another year, if ever...He ensure that I received it.
2. My obedience is linked to someone else. Of course this is the case with DISobedience. I'm not sure what the lesson is for that lady, but I know what I got. And I'm beyond excited that I listened and also that she listened to.
I believe that God interacts with us daily. Sometimes its through others, sometimes its through those "gut feelings" and of course there are other signs and such. But that the heart of our Christian walk (for those of us who are on this walk), is this surrendered heart to not only recognize when it is God "talking" but to also obey. And even in the small things. Who would have thought that purchasing a book was of any importance??!
So as I leave- be encouraged. Look, listen and obey.
Grace, peace, and love,
the "bible" for professionals in mental health field |
The goal of workshop was getting the local professionals familiar with the changes in the DSM-5 - the official diagnostic tool for the mental health field. have the DSM that I was trained in (previous version) but this version (5) is just released and of course costs a pretty penny. I found it on Amazon for a decent price ($120)...the range goes up to +$150 depending on where you purchase. Now I was all prepared to purchase this, but felt that I wasn't supposed to. I'll admit, I fought this- because in reality I hate going someplace unprepared. I dislike being THAT person. you know the one who needs to share because they aren't prepared. Yes, most of it is rooted in pride (I hate to not have my own things) but part of it, is just me liking to be prepared.
Anyhoo, it was clear...I had no peace about purchasing the book. Side note: having that "peace" is how I know its God "talking" to me. So it took me looking at my Amazon cart for literally 4 days before I finally clicked the "delete from cart" button and proceeded to purchase the other items. I even called April (former roommate) to check with her and she adamantly reassured me that coming without the book was "okay".
So fast forward, its the day of the workshop. I find a table that is strategically at the back of the room and doesn't have a ton of people BUT has someone who has a book. I sit and ask to share. welp. she happily welcomes to share with this stranger.
As the day progresses, we get to know each other during the hourly 10-minute breaks and she eventually asks if I had a book or had plans to purchase. I explain that I wanted to but honestly didn't have funds available at that time and would get it some other time. At lunch time, she indicates that from the beginning of the day, she felt God telling her to give me her book but she struggled because I am a stranger and she paid almost $200 for this book. Ultimately, she surrendered to what she felt was God directing her and blessed me. It was an awesome moment. Her obedience. My obedience. Blessings for us both.
The lesson(s) for me here was very simple:
1. God WANTS to take care of me. I soooo wanted to fix the situation, even to the extent of putting the bill on my credit card, but I obediently did not purchase and He provided- at no cost to me. There is no need too small or insignificant. A book. A stupid book that I may or may not use for another year, if ever...He ensure that I received it.
2. My obedience is linked to someone else. Of course this is the case with DISobedience. I'm not sure what the lesson is for that lady, but I know what I got. And I'm beyond excited that I listened and also that she listened to.
I believe that God interacts with us daily. Sometimes its through others, sometimes its through those "gut feelings" and of course there are other signs and such. But that the heart of our Christian walk (for those of us who are on this walk), is this surrendered heart to not only recognize when it is God "talking" but to also obey. And even in the small things. Who would have thought that purchasing a book was of any importance??!
So as I leave- be encouraged. Look, listen and obey.
Grace, peace, and love,
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
looking forward...excitedly
this is the year of the dream chasing!
As I alluded to last time, there are quite a bit of milestones that I am looking forward to this year. As I completed my 5 year plan, I was challenged to create a 10 year plan. While I have yet to complete this, I've begun to hash out the details for this year's goals.
Two of which are about to be launched! Exciting right? yes! I'm looking forward to February which will hopefully launch my soon-to-be National Premarital group program, One Accord; and also launch the beginnings of Timothy Education Project Bahamas.
The irony of this is, all of a sudden, I'm super busy and in greater demand. I can't remember the last time I had or was invited for a speaking engagement. However, in the past 3 days- I've had two invites. Additionally, a writing commitment I made months ago..like maybe almost a year- suddenly has a deadline (in 2 weeks). This isn't to mention, another writing commitment I made in December that is still ongoing. And a new coordinator project that occurs in March. Yes, I am busy. wooptee-doo right? what's the big deal?
Well the big deal is that, while all these "extras" are super awesome...particularly for my own development and exposure (if I am to think about my own benefits)- these can actually be hindrances...dare I say blockers to my goals.
Luckily for me, I learned the hard way, that I am not superwoman (see here). Also, this writing commitment made in December has been kicking my butt and made me realize that I don't have to 1. quickly answer/respond to an invitation. 2. I don't always have to say yes (no is a viable answer). Instead, what I need to do is consider what I've already committed to (what exactly are the tasks and responsibilities for this new "thing"?). Further, consider how those commitments fit in with my family's schedule...because afterall, I do have a 6 month old that still needs her momma (not to mention a busy husband that needs his wife). And finally consider how those commitments fit into my plan for attaining my goals.
So I did something I don't think I've ever done before. I said "no". And guess what? It didn't kill me. Although, it did hurt because in each instance, it was something that I didn't mind doing. Something for a good purpose---just not necessarily, MY PURPOSE right now. To this end, as I write, I feel free...rather than what I would have felt--which would have been overwhelmed. I will finish what I started (both writing commitments) and I accepted the short-term coordinator project because that occurs March-April and is for a defined time period and it doesn't require any extra on my part. side note: when counting the cost, its important to accurately estimate the time required. Some things sound simple but take a lot -perfect examples are speaking and writing tasks which can be very time/energy consuming when considering the time needed to prepare for it.
So as I leave...are you busy? overwhelmed? resenting the commitments you made? its time to set some clear and healthy boundaries. Before responding to anything, take some time (even if it requires a follow up phone call) to consider the "cost".
If you are busy doing good...but its not purposeful, then I think its still a waste of your time eh?
Grace, peace, love and purposeful living,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
quote of the week: 1.16.2014
If you've read my blog, you would have heard me say at some point, that I want to die empty. I want to ensure that when I leave, there is evidence that I was here. Not for accolades, nor for fame, neither for riches, but simply because I believe that I (and you) am made for purpose. When I saw this quote, this resonated with me at the very core of who I am.
Grace, peace, love, and purposeful living,
Grace, peace, love, and purposeful living,
Monday, January 13, 2014
roll over...
Daelyn Grace is officially 5 months now. woohoo. She's little miss activity and as per developmental timeline, she's fully into the rolling over stage. At first she was just a tummy to back roller. She's been doing that for at least a month now..but just recently, she's been making the back to tummy shift.
Today as I watched, I had to force myself to not reach out and help her. The poor baby kept getting stuck as she wanted to go to her tummy from her back. The beauty of it was, she didn't give up. She'd try, get stuck (left arm was under her and she couldn't figure out how to get it out I guess) and then roll back on her back and start again.
It literally took maybe 6 tries before she successfully got it. The funny thing was, when she moved from back to tummy, she immediately went from tummy back on her back. side note: she definitely can't spend too much time on a bed alone now.
Throughout this process, she didn't once look at me for help. It was just my maternal instinct that wanted to swoop in and fix it for her. But of course, if I did (and continue to) swoop in and help, the appropriate muscles and such that are needed for this process would never develop. And here was the lesson for me.
SO many times, I (unlike my precious baby) cry out to Father to intervene when I'm "stuck". Its too much. I just want it dealt with. Fix it now...and despite the fact that I know I need to go through process to build character muscles, it doesn't make the "going through" any easier.
Muscle is harder to build than fat. Muscle is obtained through challenges, through tension, through work. Fat, is accumulated through doing nothing. They both "weigh" the same...after all, a pound is a pound. BUT ten pounds of muscle will look and feel lighter than ten pounds of fat. Additionally, muscle has purpose; fat doesn't. Comparing muscle and fat even further: muscle represents health...fat, well too much of it, can have poor implications for our wellness.
Essentially, I went through that comparison of muscle and fat because I think there is a lesson there. When we go through process and develop certain qualities which prepare us for our goal, we can then handle everything that comes with the acquisition. We are mature, we have necessary skills, we know the purpose of that which we received. However, on the other hand, when we are given things, without being prepared for it...well, you know how that looks. We are more likely to squander or misuse "it" (whatever it may be). We may not know how to correctly use/apply. Worse, that which should be a good thing, because we are unprepared, could now become a bad thing to our lives.
So as I close, remember to be patient; process can be painful...but it is always productive!
Grace peace and love,
Today as I watched, I had to force myself to not reach out and help her. The poor baby kept getting stuck as she wanted to go to her tummy from her back. The beauty of it was, she didn't give up. She'd try, get stuck (left arm was under her and she couldn't figure out how to get it out I guess) and then roll back on her back and start again.
It literally took maybe 6 tries before she successfully got it. The funny thing was, when she moved from back to tummy, she immediately went from tummy back on her back. side note: she definitely can't spend too much time on a bed alone now.
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I caught her! she's also not looking too happy huh? |
Throughout this process, she didn't once look at me for help. It was just my maternal instinct that wanted to swoop in and fix it for her. But of course, if I did (and continue to) swoop in and help, the appropriate muscles and such that are needed for this process would never develop. And here was the lesson for me.
SO many times, I (unlike my precious baby) cry out to Father to intervene when I'm "stuck". Its too much. I just want it dealt with. Fix it now...and despite the fact that I know I need to go through process to build character muscles, it doesn't make the "going through" any easier.
Muscle is harder to build than fat. Muscle is obtained through challenges, through tension, through work. Fat, is accumulated through doing nothing. They both "weigh" the same...after all, a pound is a pound. BUT ten pounds of muscle will look and feel lighter than ten pounds of fat. Additionally, muscle has purpose; fat doesn't. Comparing muscle and fat even further: muscle represents health...fat, well too much of it, can have poor implications for our wellness.
Essentially, I went through that comparison of muscle and fat because I think there is a lesson there. When we go through process and develop certain qualities which prepare us for our goal, we can then handle everything that comes with the acquisition. We are mature, we have necessary skills, we know the purpose of that which we received. However, on the other hand, when we are given things, without being prepared for it...well, you know how that looks. We are more likely to squander or misuse "it" (whatever it may be). We may not know how to correctly use/apply. Worse, that which should be a good thing, because we are unprepared, could now become a bad thing to our lives.
So as I close, remember to be patient; process can be painful...but it is always productive!
Grace peace and love,
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Quote of the week: 1.9.14
I do apologize for the lack of posts erlier in the week. I've got a crazy deadline...stay tuned for Monday. I'll be back. In the meantime, chew on this week's quote!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Quote of the week: 1.2.14
Welcome to 2014! January's quotes are all on "purpose".You'd know this is one of my favorite topics!
Grace, peace, love and purpose filled living,
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