Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Back to the vision

I have alluded to the fact that I felt there was more work to be done as it relates to Mercy House Bahamas. I feel like God has expanded and tweaked what was the original design...

The expansion of this vision is nothing unique, in fact it looks a lot like a model that I've seen in S. Florida, however, the cool thing is that the model is fairly new to the Bahamas and furthermore, the specificity of the houses will fill great gaps that currently exist in our social welfare system.

In a nutshell, I see a group of homes that address needs of orphaned and homeless children and youth.  There is an introduction of levels of care which will ensure that kids who have greater needs are not just lumped together with those who may not need as much. This is for the protection of everyone involved, as we know some kids with greater challenges are likely to become perpetrators themselves.

At the crux of this vision is one word:

So for the past month or so, I've been just envisioning this place and I finally decided to draw it out. I couldn't I decided to use one of my fave presentation tools- Prezi.  If you click the work prezi, it should take you to the vision.

It's huge. I'm definitely looking for partners, sponsors, visionaries because some of the homes are without a "parent". That is, they need someone or a team of individuals to fully develop and take ownership within what it turning into a collective effort. I'm excited.

If you have any suggestions, comments or anything..please do share!

Grace peace and love,

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