Monday, January 28, 2013

blessed monday

Well this post isn't about a particular blessing that comes on Monday but that's just how I'm feeling this Monday. I'm keenly aware of how God has been keeping me, particularly as it relates to my finances and just wanted to give a lil praise report!

So as most of you realize, I'm home. That's the beautiful Nassau, Bahamas. The decision to spend this year here rather than finish in Canada was one that didn't come easy. While there were obvious benefits, for example, being with hubby...there were some other considerations. Yes it would be "cheaper" to be home..but would I be able to find gainful employment that is flexible and meaningful? Additionally  would I be able to find an internship that is meaningful and approved by the school?

Well, the decision to come home was made before the answers to  those questions materialized. I had prayed and prayed and prayed and felt that this is what God wanted for me. So in August 2012, I gave up my apartment as my first step and can I just say that it is all good.

Today, I'm boasting on God about the awesome 1/2 internship that I landed...lots of great experience and some good connections. And then there's the blessing of the part time job that I got. Did I mention that it is paying about equivalent to my previous full time position...say what? yes...HALLELUJAH!

It's that time for happy dance. Did I mention that both opportunities allows me so much flexibility that I can work from home on some days so there are no confinements of 9-5 which has somewhat become my nemesis.

For now, I'm sharing my story as a reminder that God is always faithful. His blessings abound where it is deserved and even when it may not be deserved. I was asked yesterday how did I figure God in this if it was my own hard work that secured these jobs..the thing is...the very breath I breathe belongs to God. The fact that I'm breathing is because of Him. The strength to work hard comes from does the wisdom and because I'm a praying kind of girl...most times the direction for where to go and when, comes from Him. So with all that in mind, I give Him the glory for the awesome job opportunities that HE provided, even if He didn't physically come down and give them to me.

Do you have a praise report for today?

Grace peace and love,


  1. So happy for you Gia! You are right! God is always faithful! God is amazing!!!!

    1. Thanks Kendra and yes, He is amazing!! :) Also, thanks for stopping by!
