Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gee whiz...

Christmas is over. unbelievable how that happens every year. I love the spirit of Christmas but the older I get, I can't help but think how over-commercialized it has also gotten.

Anyhoo, all that aside, it is still my most favoritest time of year and I trust that everyone had a very merry, festive, peaceful and joy-filled day, whether the day(s) were filled with family, friends, or just you and your fur-baby.

I had a great time celebrating with my family. The tangible gifts this year (in particular) wasn't as big of a deal as some of the more precious moments with hubby and my larger family.

On Saturday past, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the kids from the Timothy project. It was bittersweet that I only spoke with one since the majority of the kids were there but awesome because this particular young lady asked for me specifically. You should remember her...I talked a bit about her here.

In that post, I mentioned her rough exterior and how a bit of care and time, helped to melt walls and tough facades.  At that time, I said that my prayer for her was:

"My prayer is that this young lady now feels less burdened, less neglected, a smidgen more hopeful and definitely loved."

Well, based on the conversation with her on Saturday-this prayer has been answered. The young lady I spoke with was not the same girl I met in August. She was free-er. Happy-er. More peaceful. She sounded like she was enjoying life.

ahhhhh I could have seriously walked on water after that convo. Definitely in top 3 list for Best. Christmas present. Ever.

Grace peace and love,


  1. Awww Gia! I'm so glad that this girl is being helped with the program! Kudos to you! I know that felt great! :-)

    1. Britton, it really was a great feeling...felt so alive! Thanks for stopping by.
