There is something about when I'm "home". I somehow don't have a routine...part of it is because of the excitement of being home, another part is because of my husband's lack of a schedule and then, because this is "home"- I guess my brain goes into a more relaxed, go-slow mode...not sure.
Anyway, I said all that to say that I've been having some difficulty with getting my regular Monday and Wednesday blog posts since I came home...and I think this lack of structure is the primary explanation. All excuses aside, I should get to the point of this post...
the impact of a small gesture.
About a month ago when I was in Canada, I experienced what I've been writing about. You know I'm the queen of encouraging all of us to give a smile, a hug, an extra word of encouragement...something to make someone's day. Well, it happened to me. And the weird part was: 1. I wasn't having a bad day and 2. It was in church.
Essentially, I'm just going about the routine of using the restroom after church before the long 45 minute drive home and as I stand in line (because there is ALWAYS a line for women's restroom), this lady comes up to me and gives me a hug. Okay, so that's not weird...I am in church. That is expected. But what she did after is what shook me to the core and literally brought tears to my eyes..
she looked me in the eyes, told me that I looked beautiful and that God loves me.

I think she may have said something else but I need you to know it was not the words, I know I'm beautiful :)) and I KNOW that God loves was the warmth, the intentionality, the "I see you"/"You are not invisible" nature of the act that still has me thinking of it and getting all warm inside because of it. It was love. It was genuine.
It took less than a minute for this woman to validate my humanity when for all intents and purposes, I didn't really think I needed validating at that know- it wasn't like it was a bad day or I was feeling exceptionally sad or lonely or was just a normal Sunday....
until she came along.
And THAT is what drives me. THAT gets me excited. THAT is what I want to do with everyone (or at least someone)
each day:
Genuinely show the love of our Father, so the individual is validated, encouraged and rejuvenated.
I should note that apparently I wasn't her only victim. ;) Two awkward minutes later (as I stood fighting tears), this burly man comes lumbering over to her (as she too now waited in line for the restroom) and is literally gushing thanks. He was so overcome by her "genuine hug and kind words" that he had to come looking for her to tell her thanks.
That, my friends, is the love of God in action.
Have you had one of those experiences before? tell us about it!
Grace peace and love,