Monday, February 18, 2013

Ari pushed through the gate (Lessons from Ari)

Funny yet true story...remember my previous post on Ari and the gate??

Well,  less than 4 hours after writing the post, I'm sitting in the room with hubby and was visited by the little black blob.  I peak out to the hallway and this is what I found...:))

Apparently, the weekend's situation (when the gate fell down after he accidentally fell on it), really did stick with him and when it mattered, he pushed the limits.

Moreover, since he figured it out that one time, he's pushed through it numerous other times in the past week. He respects it when it matters most, i.e. at night, but if we are in the room and he feels he should be a part of the family time, most likely, he will scratch and push until the gate relents and he has an opening to squeeze through!

So Ari's adventures offers us another lesson: don't forget the instances of the past when you may have broken through. You know, the one time when you may have pushed and gotten a break or a hole (no matter how small)? Or even if it didn't happen to you, but you have 1st-hand knowledge of someone else who pushed through until something happened?

Yes, allow those stories and/or memories to encourage you and propel you to challenge the new(est) "barrier" set before you.

Listen, I know you always hear it...Life is too short. But for real, when you sit to really think through the potential that each of us have... the dreams, the talents and then consider that we don't even have the current moment we are experiencing promised to us- yea, you'll decide to make each moment count. To not settle when you know there is more. To live full and free.

Now...whatchu gonna do?

Grace peace and love,


  1. Ari's story encourages me to not be bound nor boxed in by other peoples limitations, needs/expectations and comfort levels.

    1. This has been a good reminder for me in regards to the same thing! Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
