On Friday, I stumbled upon this…
from CurlyNikki and decided that I want this. Of course, the chances I find it (or anything similar) here in the
So on to the point, I decided to try and make my own. STOP. That’s a lie. I went out and got the supplies to drop to my mother for her to make..but since it was a Friday and traffic was ridiculous, I sat home and tapped my feet, literally near trembling because I HAD to see the results before I went to sleep. My husband only shakes his head when I get like this because its now Monday and I have yet to find an opportunity to wear either of the pieces I made but I swear I would have died if it wasn’t done on Friday.
So to abort a crisis- I got my sewing kit, which my mom bought for me a month before the wedding…and got to stitching.
Here are the results:
So my days are just starting to melt into each other especially now that time is winding and all I'm focused on is the money getting sorted out. today is *supposed* to be the day when I find out if I was selected for an external scholarship that I applied for...but the names were supposed to be posted from 2 weeks ago so who knows if the knots in my stomach today will be for a reason :shrugs: Heard from landlord, who HAS NOT yet received the lease agreement and deposit even though it was sent like 2 weeks ago. :another round of knots in my tummy: their (landlords) sweet e-mail was to remind me that their impending time to leave is quickly approaching and of course, the deal was to have that set and in their hands before they leave! :deep sigh:
other issue: I'm yo-yo'ing between flying Air
In September of 2008, I had a brilliant idea…I would go ahead and apply (again) for a doctoral program. A little background. I completed my Masters in Mental Health/Counseling Psychology in December 2004. At that point, I was gung-ho on only taking a one year hiatus to work and catch myself financially and then dive right into the pursuit of my doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology. Well about half-way into that year of work, I missed my baby and decided to pack up everything and go home (
I stumbled upon the new trend of online universities and in Winter/Spring of ’06, I enrolled and completed my first semester in Walden’s PhD program in Clinical Psychology. That lasted all but one semester. I failed to mention that in between this year, I had also gotten relevant information to begin applying at other programs however, either I didn’t pursue the full application because I didn’t have enough money or I wasn’t qualified enough.
I jumped back on this school thing and adjusted my options. Maybe a clinical or counseling program wasn’t absolutely necessary since I had such a strong foundation at the Masters level. Truthfully I was working, quite competently for the past 3 years with a Masters degree. So this began another series of research and applications. Long story short, that “baby” who I came home to, proposed in May 2007 and we were married in April 2008. Excitedly embraced the role of wife which ha been both fulfilling and frustrating- sometimes both at once! After 6 months of marriage, the school itch kicked in.
As the good wife, I consulted with hubby (who will be referred to as hubster, sweets or DH) about the application processes, fees and my tentative plan. My ‘brilliant’ plan was that I would actually go ahead and apply to 3 schools (later changed to 4) between
Somewhere during this application process (January 2009), I cut off my hair to pursue a chemical-free life style…well as it relates to hair. So I have what is affectionately called a TWA –teeny weeny afro which, at the time of the big cut was about 3 inches and now is fluffing out to about 6 inches…major milestone in my life especially since there was some opposition…well better described as criticism from sweets.
To date I have:
Accepted offer for admission, GA and scholarship from school
Applied for an external scholarship and currently waiting on response
Visited school and surrounding area and found a house for rent
Sent in signed lease along with deposit to the house (which both of us absolutely love)
Undergone necessary tests, medical intrusions, lengthy interviews and paid half my savings to complete the procces of applying for a Canadian study permit
Made contact with advisor and registered for fall semester
Made contact with ‘buddy’ who is a 2nd year student who’s function is to help my transition go as smoothly as possible – she’s AWESOME and been extremely helpful already
Arranged for utilities (electricity and water) to be connected as of September 1
Undergone verbal harassment from ‘loved ones’ who feel I’m making the biggest mistake of my life which will ultimately destroy my marriage
Applied for vacation leave which was confirmed
Applied for paid study leave which was declined
Applied for unpaid study leave which is being processed
Decided on a date for departure- September 3
Ok…I personally hate reading long entries and this is about a chapter for a dissertation so I’ll stop here but I think my purpose was achieved- you should be all caught up on what I’ve been writing about for the past 7 months.
I kinda don't know where or how to exactly begin this "blog"... this particular blog is a continuation of sorts of an online journal I kept on www.brownandbridal.com where I’ve found an online sisterhood. I’ll tell you more about BAB later. So when I started it was really just to organize my thoughts and preparations for me beginning my doctoral program this fall. I didn’t intend to actually write an entry every week…which is what ended up happening and sometimes more than once per week. In the last month, I realized that I found this process cathartic and should probably just “do my own thing” so I have the option to continue until I get tired of typing. I wavered back and forth with this but decided to just give it a try!
There have been a couple themes being reinforced in my life, especially this year: purpose and passion. An important aspect of living is living to the fullness, i.e. fulfilling my God-given purpose and the only way to do that, in light of adversity, financial stress, family acting out, “closed doors” and the like…is to be passion-filled. It’s that passion that helps you to bounce up after you are told you are making a big mistake by someone who you care about but who just doesn’t understand or share your vision. It’s that passion that motivates you to submit the application even though you were told you aren’t qualified. It’s that passion that encourages you to hold fast to dreams even when you are awake and life is being a monster!
That’s the passion that I embody: in my life and in loving. It just somehow makes living more interesting, i.e. an emotional rollercoaster but nonetheless worthwhile.
So in addition to me being purpose driven and passion filled in how I view life, I embrace my randomness. Sometimes it sparks creativity, most times it results in giggles and every time (when I choose to share), it garners funny looks. But that’s me…