Monday, November 12, 2012

What does your future hold?

Yesterday, I sat through a training session as a part of my duties for my internship. There wasn't much presented that I didn't know, but two of the assignments stood out to me.

The first was to draw your timeline...essentially, getting the college-aged students to think beyond today and construct some semblance of a life plan. Based on some of the responses, I still think some people did not get it...the points on their "timeline" were vague and unrealistic and when they were challenged to think about resources and specifics, they simply refused to. I took the opportunity to begin drafting my 5 year plan which my good friend, Kaylus, had suggested I do about a week or so earlier.

It's funny because I ALWAYS have a plan but when the question was put forth to me, I realized that I essentially stopped planning life once I hit grad school. All plans for the past 4 years, were surrounding the achievement of the major projects and such associated with the attainment of the PhD. This meant that I needed to now think about what I wanted, where I wanted to be and how I plan on achieving said goals after this degree. Yes, I still have another 2 years until I walk across the stage but considering 2013 is pretty much already here, it is definitely a good time to start revisiting my life plan.

I still haven't completed it as yet BUT I've got details through 2014 and highlights for 2015. I'll spend some more time on it in the days to come to get some more highlights through 2017 (at least).

The 2nd assignment was to construct a personal vision statement. wooo who knew this small task would be soooo challenging. Without going through the details, I'm excited to report that I got mine drafted [insert happy dance]. I'm still praying about whether this is "it" or if something else need to be added but I'm excited! Beyond excited...ecstatic.

"For everyone that I work with, my aim in life is to AMPLIFY their strengths, CHALLENGE their faulty thinking, attitudes and belief systems and thus assist with bringing about CHANGE so they can live more fulfilled and meaningful lives."

What do you think? too long? too vague? too pie in the sky?

Those key words: amplify, challenge, and change were a part of a professor's philosophy and pedagogy and although I interviewed her almost a year ago, those words are seemingly on repeat in my head.  It resonated with me over these months, and it actually shifted my own approach so that I looked at my experiences as challenges to bring about change in my life. Challenges are now welcomed rather than avoided.

I've committed to be on a never-ending growth tract and decided my life's mission is to do the same with the lives I'm blessed to interact with.

Do you have a personal vision statement? or something similar? share with us in the comments section below.

Grace peace and love,

1 comment:

  1. So happy to be your messenger, announcing the news of drafting what's next in and for your life. If you did not realize it- your 5 year plan is the strategy(action) of the vision statement.

    The vision statement is the describes the landscape of your ideal future. It is filled with sights, sounds, scents, tastes and feelings.

    I hope that this post above others, given the time of year helps your followers and strangers alike to .... define and take action to live their ideal life.

    Well done Giavana!
