Wednesday, March 20, 2013


"But you might ask, ‘What will we eat during the seventh year, since we are not allowed to plant or harvest crops that year?’ Be assured that I will send my blessing for you in the sixth year, so the land will produce a crop large enough for three years. When you plant your fields in the eighth year, you will still be eating from the large crop of the sixth year. In fact, you will still be eating from that large crop when the new crop is harvested in the ninth year." (Leviticus 25:20-22 NLT)

Sometimes its difficult to be obedient. 

I'm talking about those times when you know for certain that you should do something or go somewhere  and for whatever reason- we don't.  It even almost seems like we can't.

Can you relate? Well I can't say that I'm necessarily in this particular predicament now, or have been in the past 2 weeks or so BUT I read the above scripture this morning and could not help but think about how I've questioned myself doing something, especially giving (whether monetary or in-kind) because I've felt or asked..."what about.....?".

In the passage above, God gave instructions to the Israelites...He asked that no planting or real "work" be done in certain years (the 7th). That must have sounded ludicrus to a nation of farmers and shephards and such...and so I guess before they could even ask, complain, scrunge their face in disbelief- He says...

"look, don't worry about your food and provisions in the 7th year if you follow my instructions as I will ensure that there is abundance from previous years. And to even reward your obedience, this abundance will follow you into the next year, and even into the year after that."

Can you say awesomeness? I was just smiling as I thought about God's provision in general but even more so, in our obedience. This was definitely a great reminder for me and I hope for you too! I'll leave you with this thought to chew on:

 Obedience sometimes require sacrifice but it will never lead to lack.

Grace peace and love,

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