Friday, August 28, 2009
Its so hard to say goodbye...

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bad Hair Day...

Here is how it looked last night:

I kinda wish I didn't pull it back- but I needed to tame it a bit for the office. With me joining the world of being a full-time student, now I can rock more of the un-tamed styles...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
She's beauty and she's grace...

Destiny demands Dilligence

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lessons learned...

- I should NEVER comb my hair dry....that is unless it was already detangled and not sitting for any long periods of time. i.e. even this morning as I attempted to braid up my hair, I had to part into sections and then using my spray bottle damp my hair before trying to comb through (and detangle again) before attempting the braids. Why is this? well first of all, despite popular belief my hair is curly..its just the curls are uber small and thus they get tangled very very easily. So its not a matter of hard vs. soft hair...(any hair can be soft if its properly moisturized), its just that us black women with 4b (coily/springy/cottony/kinky texture) has to be more careful about how and when we try to rake a comb especially a :gasp: fine-tooth comb through these tresses. So to create my fro style, I also damp my hair with a spray bottle before using the handy dandy afro-pik!
- I should NEVER try to run the comb through my hair from root to tip. Now this may sound like a given, but I can't tell you how many times, even when my hair was relaxed and I had new growth that I would try this method. Its just not the method of combing for anyone whose hair has texture. Its definitely better to begin at the tip and work backward to the root.
- I should NEVER try to comb my hair all at once. Another 'given' but I've done it and seen others attempt also. Now most times, we attempt with a wide tooth comb but even that can be detrimental i.e. pulling out hair unnecessarily. its best to divide and conquer. the smaller the better. The exception may be trying to create the aforementioned fro. But by the time, I'm creating the fro, my hair is already detangled and the divide and conquer session was already done.
- I don't need to comb my hair. Now this is not me being nasty or any other derrogatory term we use for people who don't comb their hair. Becuase my hair is still under 10 inches long, my fingers are excellent detanglers. Furthermore, now that I'm natural, not every style I need a comb for. I remember the first 3-4 months after I cut, my hair never met a comb unless I was experimenting with a style at home.
- Water is my friend! I was the queen of washing my hair ONCE per month. If it was a good month, maybe twice...but never more than that. Somehow I became to believe that washing my hair was of the devil. Well, its not the washing or the water that could be bad- its the ingredients in certain shampoos. So now I wash my hair whenever I please (once, twice or every day per week) but very rarely do I use shampoo and if I do use shampoo, its a sulfate-free product and I alwasy follow up with a conditioner. When I wash without shampoo, I use conditioner (any old cheap one I can find) and I use that to lather/scrub my scalp. who knew huh?
- Water is my friend! no, this is not a mistake, I meant typing that twice. not only is water helpful for cleansing purposes but water is moisture. Moisture = happy, healthy and soft manageable hair. I also prefer how my hair looks when its moisturized. It has more definition (i.e. curl pattern), more sheen (cause my hair doesn't shine naturally) and like I said...I just like how it looks.
- Everything that claims to be a moisturizer -isn't. Now there are some technical parts of this explanation that I don't feel quite fit to explain but let me say this. Stuff like grease, pink oil moisturizer that contains either mineral oil or petroleum only sits on the top of the hair shaft and makes it feel greasy. But this isn't beneficial to the actual hair. :shrugs shoulders: I've chosen to just avoid these ingredients whenever possible and try to use products that are water-based and ingredients like shea butter, aloe vera gel and some natural oils (coconut, safflower, olive, tea tree etc...) in attempts at moisturizing in my hair.
That's all I can think of right now! and besides, I have to go get ready. I just got offered a FREE ticket to the Miss Universe Pageant being held in t-4 hours. As I mentioned, I actually braided my hair because we (hubby and I) were supposed to go to the beach, now I have to find a dress, hope that the braids make a cute, well-defined braid out and just get all purty for this event! woohooo
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

so my first of a couple 'goodbye' dates. I'm looking forward to spending time with special people in my life although its kinda sad since I'll be leaving for lil while.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Check Check and Check!
- Electricity and water utilities set up (7/25/09)
- Gas set up (needed for heater and stove) (8/18/09)
- Cable and Internet set up (8/19/09)
- Confirmed date of move in with landlord
Only thing left to do is get on the plane and move in...well that's from the Canada side. Tying up loose ends here...I still have to:
- Sell my car
- Pack up the apartment
- Get the US Visa (appt already confirmed)
and I think that's it...Hubby already suggested that I not make selling the car a requirement before we leave. He knows me well. I am obsessive. So I have adjusted my thinking and its my hope to have the car sold but I accept its a chance it may not happen in time.
All-in-all, I love getting things done. I'm a list maker, a list keeper and an overachiever by heart so NOTHING brings me greater pleasure than right now that I can lean back in my chair and go over the mental list and realize that we are well on our way!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
You Were Born to Rule!
This song has ministered to me over and over in the past week. I find myself just singing pieces of it...when I really think about the words of this song I can't help but smile.
Who am I to worry about...finances, job situations, anything?! I'm a joint heir to the kingdom and with that status comes many opportunities and blessings. The King of King lives in me. I am royalty!
sooo with that said- I speak life to you. To that situation you may be struggling with. To the fear, discouragement, to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy...to broken relationships and most especially to those dreams deferred and fighting to come to life!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Summer cleaning!

but I will try to explain the mess so ya'll don't think I'm a natural slob. In fact, my husband often likens me to the USA character Adrian Monk because I tend to be obsessive about many things including cleanliness. The first pic shows my husbands work of art...his clothes: shirts, pants and ties (not sure if they are clean or dirty/whether they fit or need to give away) but they are all over the floor. The closet with our bags/unused stuff kinda got out of control over the past year as I never really go there to 'organize'. and finally my books, just kinda shrewn in their lil corner. :sigh: BIG MESS
2nd pic...is all me. My suitcases to start packing and the winter clothes that I took down to put in those suitcases. You can also see my lovely ab-roller. love this thing. and actually this room is my exercise haven. the fan is sitting in the middle of the floor because my stationary bike is usually there...along the other wall (not shown) are my free weights. ;)
AFTER about 3 hours with my IPod...
What you can't see:
1. the alphabetized DVD collection in the large container
2. winter clothes packed in the suitcase, weighed (to ensure its under 50 lbs) and ready to goooo
3. 'extra' stuff including books, clothes and other random things put in various bags for donations
4. (2nd pic) shoes and clothes put in a place that won't make the room look junky
5. the 2 large suitcases along the wall: one will be taken with me and already is packed. only waiting to launder linens before that bag is complete. the other bag will stay here in my mother-in-law's house with 'stuff' that we don't need to carry but aren't throwing away/donating.
so that was my Saturday. I'm off to wash out my deep conditioner...what did you do today?
Enjoy the rest of the weekend....smooches!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I've got a ton of dreams...or "castles in the air" but they need a foundation. My pursuit of this doctorate is both a castle and a foundation for some other castles. It's easy to dream, but when it comes time to do the work and sacrifice needed to put those dreams in motion it gets a bit harder.
Things aren't how I imagined or planned they should be with only 27 days before classes start and I know this is all a part of process...that will make me a better and more patient person with greater but I can't help to worry even though I know better. I was just reminded that worry is a burden God never intended us to bear....if only for today, for this moment, I will walk away from worry and continue to work toward putting a foundation under my castles!
Fears: Allayed or Increased?
the proverbial light to go on, signifying that I actually understand this topic of variability! Any math or statistics gurus out there? I can use some help making sense of this stuff.
Oh! The first installment of my scholarship was paid so my balance is lower...makes me breathe a little easier.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Meet the Family!
Monday, August 10, 2009
So an update...I booked our tickets.....AGAIN. yes. I made a booboo and waited too long to contact the US Embassy about getting a new VISA so when I finally got around to call the earliest appointment was the day before my scheduled departure. cutting it close...yup- a bit too close, considering my passport is kept by them until the following afternoon because of course, the VISA is printed in the passport. my flight on Thursday the 4th is/was scheduled for 1pm and I was told to expect my passport to be ready between the hours of 2-4pm (on the 4th). Obviously not.gonna.work
So I had one sleepless night-literally-where I weighed my options and realized its better for me to change the flight and pay whatever difference and get my VISA now, rather than run any risks when I arrive in Canada. I don't need a US VISA for Canada, but if I want to travel anywhere in the USA from Canada, I'll need a VISA. Its a long story, but a quick summary: I got married last year. Changed my name legally. Got a new passport to reflect the new name. VISA in old passport which is now cancelled. There is a CHANCE that since the VISA is not expired that I can travel on it with sufficient documents however, I've travelled enough to know, I don't ever want to depend on chance...so apply and pay for a new VISA is the best option for my current situation.
So yea. both tickets, for hubster and myself, are booked. woot!
I'm losing a dying battle to review for Stats. Didn't pick up the book for more than 10 mins in the past week and a half and its because most of the words/symbols look like French to me. I have never studied French, never went to a French-speaking country and the only word I know in French is goodbye, which I can't even spell so that's why I just said it in English. LOL but seriously, I need someone to help break it down for me, if I'm going to understand it or a book that's more user-friendly. I spoke with my buddy and she suggested a book that helped her, in fact, she's still using it as she writes her Masters' thesis. I checked out the book and I'm definitely interested in giving it a try but its more than $40 and honestly, $40 on a book that's not a required text is a bit of a luxury....although, paying $40 on a book which could possibly help me be prepared for an advanced statistics class may be priceless...:shrugs: we'll see what I decide to do!
The scholarship response I was not waiting for (but still secretly waiting for)---well it seems like that may be cancelled, for everyone. So my new goal is to find at minimum $2k that I can pay directly on the tuition. I do have a graduate assistantship and a school-based scholarship that covers the cost of tuition but its not all given up front and I would prefer to have it covered before classes start; not a must but a wish.
and then...last but probably the most important...I'm beginning to have minor panic attacks. nothing major, but increased heart rate, stomach flutters etc. It's fleeting and usually only come one when I'm talking to someone about the move or when I begin to think about the dreaded Sept 28th date. Remember I mentioned purchasing tickets, well mine was a one-way, but my husband's ticket's return date is for 9/28 and I swear I was two steps from an all out crying fest yesterday as I cooked and thought about it.
I'll share some pics tomorrow from the wedding this weekend.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Without going through the crap of life i.e. "process", character cannot be formed in us... and if we lack character, how can we successfully move through life? It's through character that we can fully operate in fulfilling our God-given purpose! (drawn and rephrased from The Principles and Power of Vision by Dr. Myles Munroe).
my wish is that I could live in this....
and screw process! ;)
first pic: Savannah Sound beach, Eleuthera Bahamas; second pic: Ten Bay, Eleuthera Bahamas
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
been M.I.A.
Eleuthera, is literally a 15 min flight from Nassau and is my 2nd home. My mom and her siblings were all born and raised there (early years) in the small settlement of Hatchet Bay. I hope to live there one day...before retirement. In fact, my dream to start a residential treatment facility for emotionally distressed adolescent girls will be housed on this island. Its quiet, gorgeous and close enough to Nassau and S Florida for me to get the 'city' life when necessary! I visit at least once per year- usually for work related stuff but from time to time, DH and I get there for small weekend getaways.