Tuesday, March 4, 2014

overstay your welcome

I was having a conversation yesterday and it was one of those moments that I share wisdom without even realizing it.

In a nutshell, the person is experiencing some friction at work. I've been privy to the ins and outs and as I explained to him, he's experiencing the adult-child living at home syndrome. Essentially, he's outgrown the structure and "culture" of the home life. This can be defined in a number of ways but at the end of the day- it is time to move on.  If he doesn't move on, then he's going to need to concede to their demands (regardless of how nonsensical it may seem) because at the end of the day, like my dad always told us...its their house!

Change is never easy. But I'm a firm believer that there are seasons in life and we've got to be aware of when those change so that we can adjust accordingly. In the case of the above referenced person: his season with that company is done. He knows it, his boss knows it, I think the coworkers know it...but still nothing is being done to prepare for the next step.

If you are here and feeling similarly, like you have worn out your welcome...you are constantly frustrated and just "done" with your current circumstances. My challenge to you is to not end up out on your butt with your suitcase next to you [and no back up plan] as a result of being kicked out. Your time now should be spent creating or finding, the next step. For him, he's ready to go on his own. That means defining the service to be offered, ensuring that he's got a niche in the market (no sense going to do what someone else is already doing if there are untapped avenues) and writing out the business plan. For others it may mean, defining what your next position looks like. Do you want to change careers or just employers? Since you are changing anyway, are there specifics that you want included? e.g. health benefits? a specific location? flexi-time? The next steps include updating the resume/CV and canvassing organizations that fit what you want.

Life is seriously too short to live and be unhappy. To live your best life, you must be ever present. Living on yesterday's glory or in a season that is done will surely bring frustration and unfulfillment. I remember feeling like this about 5 years ago. My "next step" was to pursue the PhD. I've just returned to that organization where I left [well technically took a break from]..but I know this return is for an even shorter time than before. The goal is to finish this PhD, then leave. In the meantime, I am setting myself up for the next step.

Do not allow fear to keep you someplace where you know you have outgrown. If necessary, seek assistance with preparing for the next steps (the entire field of coaching is dedicated to this kind of work) and lets get moving!!!

Remember if you are like me and have multiple ideas, plans and goals. Streamline, define, and plan how each will be rolled out. Timing is key. As a friend just recently told me:

"Gia you can't birth two babies at the same time unless they are twins"

strategic. smart. steady

Are you ready? lets goooooooooooooo!

Grace peace love and forward movement,

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