Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One month later...

Yesterday made one month since our lives were forever changed. Daelyn Grace is growing....rapidly (already has a double chin and rolls in her thighs) and mommy and daddy are somewhat gaining some sense of normalcy.

We've been blessed with amazing family and friends who have been uber supportive and helpful...if only with sending an encouraging text or a short phone call (whenever I have a free hand to answer). Speaking of hands, these two hands have seemingly multiplied. I thought I could multi-task but this is another dimension. Amazing what toes can do too!

My mom and mother-in-law have been indispensable with cooking, cleaning and sometimes just taking her from me in between feedings. Unfortunately, that sometimes is only 45 minutes as I am exclusively breastfeeding (EBF) and she has not yet been introduced to the bottle.  That we are only EBF'ing has been THE biggest challenge and I now totally and completely understand why many moms choose to supplement and breast feed, or only end up breastfeeding for a couple days/weeks or totally just formula feed from the beginning. The struggle is real!

I'm typing now in this rare 5 minutes (this actually took more than one nap session)...I technically should be trying to eat but I really wanted to blog. I've got babygirl here next to me "sleeping" on the bed and she's coo'ing and grunting and making other random noises as she flitters in between sleep and wake. Someone should have warned me that newborns are rather noisy. Who knew? It was quite disconcerting those first nights/days with her...it was like..."ummm did she swallow animals?"

I've learned soooooo much these past 31 days...about myself, and about infants/newborns and even a little bit about our culture. I find my prayer life has doubled as I am often times clueless and just need the comfort of that heavenly connection. I've become stronger, a tad bit wiser and definitely have had to make some interesting decisions.

Tecnically the "newborn" stage is done and although emotionally and physically exhausting, it was enjoyed. I kissed, cuddled, smiled, and was just woo'ed by this beauty. I am looking forward to the next couple weeks when a routine is established as she moves from that unpredictable-getting-adjusted-to-the-outside-world stage, where I will have a bit more independence and freedom (the only time we leave the house has been for doctors appointments) and I can also jump back on the dissertation wagon (hopefully longer deep naps).

As I leave (for whoever knows how long), here is one of the pictures for her room. It was inspired (almost a duplicate) of an image I saw online and just personalized for my little princess.

Grace peace and love,

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